December 2012
The International Housing Coalition would like to congratulate Representative Howard Berman (D-CA) on introducing the Global Partnerships Act of 2012. The bill is a significant step toward setting a new framework for effective, transparent, and accountable United States foreign assistance.
The Global Partnerships Act offers a comprehensive update to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. This outdated law governs the major aspects of US foreign assistance and needs to be improved. Introducing the Global Partnerships Act is the first step in ensuring this vital update.
For the past year, the IHC has been very involved in the drafting of this bill and has offered extensive comments on the draft legislation through written comments and listening sessions. The IHC is very happy that improving access to safe water, sanitation, and housing is one of the bill’s eight stated goals for development assistance.
The bill recognizes that access to adequate water, sanitation, and housing is critical to improving slums and reducing poverty. With that in mind, within Chapter 6, the bill requires the creation of a global strategy on water, sanitation, and housing, and would authorize the use of funds for assistance to water, sanitation and housing projects.
The IHC is pleased to see such focus and dedication to these critical issues. Information on the bill is available here, where the full text will be available soon.